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The jpackage goal lets you create a custom runtime image with the jpackage tool introduced in Java 13.

The main idea is to avoid being tied to project artifacts and allow the user to fully control the process of creating an image.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: runtime.
  • The goal is not marked as thread-safe and thus does not support parallel builds.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<addlaunchers> List - Specifies options are added to, or used to overwrite, the original command line options to build additional alternative launchers. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.
    <arguments>--arg11 --arg12</arguments>
    <javaoptions>-Xms128m -Xmx1024m</javaoptions>

The jpackage CLI is: --add-launcher name=path

<addmodules> List - Specifies the modules names (names of root modules) to add to the runtime image. Their transitive dependencies will add too. This module list, along with the main module (if specified) will be passed to jlink as the --add-module argument. If not specified, either just the main module (if module is specified), or the default set of modules (if mainjar is specified) are used.

The jpackage CLI is: --add-modules module [, module...]

<appimage> File - Specifies the location of the predefined application image that is used to build an installable package. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --app-image path

<appversion> String - Specifies version of the application and/or package.

The jpackage CLI is: --app-version version

<arguments> String - Specifies the command line arguments to pass to the main class if no command line arguments are given to the launcher.

The jpackage CLI is: --arguments args

<bindservices> boolean - Link service provider modules and their dependencies. Pass on --bind-services option to jlink.

The jpackage CLI is: --bind-services

Default value is: false.
<copyright> String - Specifies copyright for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --copyright copyright

<description> String - Specifies description of the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --description description

<dest> File - Specifies the location in which generated output files are placed. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --dest path

Default value is: ${}/jpackage.
<fileassociations> List - Specifies the location of a properties file that contains list of key, value pairs. The keys "extension", "mime-type", "icon", and "description" can be used to describe the association.

BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --file-associations path

<icon> File - Specifies the location of the icon of the application launcher. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --icon path

<input> File - Specifies the location of the input directory that contains the files to be packaged. All files in the input directory will be packaged into the application image into $APPDIR directory. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --input path

<installdir> String - Specifies the relative sub-path under the default installation location of the application for Windows, or absolute path of the installation directory of the application for Mac or Linux.

The jpackage CLI is: --install-dir name

<javaoptions> String - Specifies the options to pass to the Java runtime.

The jpackage CLI is: --java-options opts

<licensefile> File - Specifies the location of a license file. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --license-file path

<linuxappcategory> String - Group value of the RPM name.spec file or Section value of DEB control file.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-app-category name

<linuxapprelease> String - Release value of the RPM name.spec file or Debian revision value of the DEB control file.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-app-release name

<linuxdebmaintainer> String - Maintainer for .deb package.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-deb-maintainer email

<linuxmenugroup> String - Menu group this application is placed in.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-menu-group name

<linuxpackagedeps> boolean - Required packages or capabilities for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-package-deps

<linuxpackagename> String - Name for Linux package, defaults to the application name.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-package-name name

<linuxrpmlicensetype> String - Type of the license ("License: name" of the RPM .spec).

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-rpm-license-type name

<linuxshortcut> boolean - Creates a shortcut for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-shortcut

<macpackageidentifier> String - An identifier that uniquely identifies the application for macOS. Defaults to the main class name. May only use alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-identifier id

<macpackagename> String - Name of the application as it appears in the Menu Bar. This can be different from the application name. This name must be less than 16 characters long and be suitable for displaying in the menu bar and the application Info window. Defaults to the application name.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-name name

<macpackagesigningprefix> String - When signing the application package, this value is prefixed to all components that need to be signed that don't have an existing package identifier.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-signing-prefix prefix

<macsign> boolean - Request that the package be signed.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-sign

<macsigningkeychain> File - Path of the keychain to search for the signing identity (absolute path or relative to the current directory). If not specified, the standard keychains are used. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-signing-keychain path

<macsigningkeyusername> String - Team name portion in Apple signing identities' names. For example "Developer ID Application: ".

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-signing-key-user-name name

<mainclass> String - Specifies the qualified name of the application main class to execute. This option can only be used if mainjar is specified.

The jpackage CLI is: --main-class class-name

<mainjar> String - Specifies the main JAR of the application, specified as a path relative to the input path, containing the main class. Either module or mainjar option can be specified but not both.

The jpackage CLI is: --main-jar jar-name

<module> String - Specifies the main module (and optionally main class) of the application. This module must be located on the module path. When this option is specified, the main module will be linked in the Java runtime image. Either module or mainjar option can be specified but not both.

The jpackage CLI is: --module module-name[/class-name]

<modulepath> ModulePath - Specifies the module path. The path where the jlink tool discovers observable modules: modular JAR files, JMOD files, exploded modules. If this option is not specified, then the default module path is $JAVA_HOME/jmods. This directory contains the java.base module and the other standard and JDK modules. If this option is specified but the java.base module cannot be resolved from it, then the jlink command appends $JAVA_HOME/jmods to the module path. Pass on --modulepath option to jlink.

pathelements - passed to jlink as is filesets - sets of files (without directories) dirsets - sets of directories (without files) dependencysets - sets of dependencies with specified includes and excludes patterns (glob: or regex:) for file names and regex patterns only for module names


The jpackage CLI is: --modulepath path

<name> String - Specifies the name of subdirectory relative to the destination directory in which files of generated application image are placed. BUG: A name cannot contain spaces and unicode characters. BUG: The names used to create the application image and the application installer must match.

The jpackage CLI is: --name directory-name

<resourcedir> File - Specifies the location of a resources directory that override jpackage resources. Icons, template files, and other resources of jpackage can be overridden by adding replacement resources to this directory. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --resource-dir path

<runtimeimage> File - Specifies the location of the predefined runtime image (result of jlink) that will be copied into the application image. If not specified, jpackage will run jlink to create the runtime image using options: - --strip-debug - --no-header-files - --no-man-pages - --strip-native-commands BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --runtime-image path

<temp> File - Specifies the location in which temporary files are placed. If specified, the directory will not be removed upon the task completion and must be removed manually. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --temp path

<toolhome> File - Specifies the path to the JDK home directory providing the tool needed.
<type> PackageType - Specifies the type of package to create: { 'PLATFORM', 'IMAGE', 'EXE', 'MSI' }.

The jpackage CLI is: --type {app-image|exe|msi}

Default value is: PLATFORM.
<vendor> String - Specifies vendor of the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --vendor vendor

<verbose> boolean - Enable verbose tracing.

The jpackage CLI is: --verbose

Default value is: false.
<winconsole> boolean - Enable creating a console launcher for the application, should be specified for application which requires console interactions.

The jlink CLI is: --win-console

Default value is: false.
<windirchooser> boolean - Enable adding a dialog to choose a directory in which the product is installed.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-dir-chooser

Default value is: false.
<winmenu> boolean - Enable adding the application to the system menu.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-menu

Default value is: false.
<winmenugroup> String - Start menu group this application is placed in.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-menu-group name

<winperuserinstall> boolean - Enable requesting to perform an install on a per-user basis.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-per-user-install

Default value is: false.
<winshortcut> boolean - Enable creating a desktop shortcut for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-shortcut

Default value is: false.
<winupgradeuuid> String - UUID associated with upgrades for this package.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-upgrade-uuid uuid

Parameter Details


Specifies options are added to, or used to overwrite, the original command line options to build additional alternative launchers. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.
    <arguments>--arg11 --arg12</arguments>
    <javaoptions>-Xms128m -Xmx1024m</javaoptions>

The jpackage CLI is: --add-launcher name=path

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Specifies the modules names (names of root modules) to add to the runtime image. Their transitive dependencies will add too. This module list, along with the main module (if specified) will be passed to jlink as the --add-module argument. If not specified, either just the main module (if module is specified), or the default set of modules (if mainjar is specified) are used.

The jpackage CLI is: --add-modules module [, module...]

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of the predefined application image that is used to build an installable package. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --app-image path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies version of the application and/or package.

The jpackage CLI is: --app-version version

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the command line arguments to pass to the main class if no command line arguments are given to the launcher.

The jpackage CLI is: --arguments args

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Link service provider modules and their dependencies. Pass on --bind-services option to jlink.

The jpackage CLI is: --bind-services

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Specifies copyright for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --copyright copyright

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies description of the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --description description

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the location in which generated output files are placed. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --dest path

  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${}/jpackage


Specifies the location of a properties file that contains list of key, value pairs. The keys "extension", "mime-type", "icon", and "description" can be used to describe the association.

BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --file-associations path

  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of the icon of the application launcher. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --icon path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of the input directory that contains the files to be packaged. All files in the input directory will be packaged into the application image into $APPDIR directory. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --input path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the relative sub-path under the default installation location of the application for Windows, or absolute path of the installation directory of the application for Mac or Linux.

The jpackage CLI is: --install-dir name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the options to pass to the Java runtime.

The jpackage CLI is: --java-options opts

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of a license file. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --license-file path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Group value of the RPM name.spec file or Section value of DEB control file.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-app-category name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Release value of the RPM name.spec file or Debian revision value of the DEB control file.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-app-release name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Maintainer for .deb package.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-deb-maintainer email

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Menu group this application is placed in.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-menu-group name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Required packages or capabilities for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-package-deps

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No


Name for Linux package, defaults to the application name.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-package-name name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Type of the license ("License: name" of the RPM .spec).

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-rpm-license-type name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Creates a shortcut for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --linux-shortcut

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No


An identifier that uniquely identifies the application for macOS. Defaults to the main class name. May only use alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-identifier id

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Name of the application as it appears in the Menu Bar. This can be different from the application name. This name must be less than 16 characters long and be suitable for displaying in the menu bar and the application Info window. Defaults to the application name.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-name name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


When signing the application package, this value is prefixed to all components that need to be signed that don't have an existing package identifier.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-package-signing-prefix prefix

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Request that the package be signed.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-sign

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No


Path of the keychain to search for the signing identity (absolute path or relative to the current directory). If not specified, the standard keychains are used. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-signing-keychain path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Team name portion in Apple signing identities' names. For example "Developer ID Application: ".

The jpackage CLI is: --mac-signing-key-user-name name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the qualified name of the application main class to execute. This option can only be used if mainjar is specified.

The jpackage CLI is: --main-class class-name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the main JAR of the application, specified as a path relative to the input path, containing the main class. Either module or mainjar option can be specified but not both.

The jpackage CLI is: --main-jar jar-name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the main module (and optionally main class) of the application. This module must be located on the module path. When this option is specified, the main module will be linked in the Java runtime image. Either module or mainjar option can be specified but not both.

The jpackage CLI is: --module module-name[/class-name]

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the module path. The path where the jlink tool discovers observable modules: modular JAR files, JMOD files, exploded modules. If this option is not specified, then the default module path is $JAVA_HOME/jmods. This directory contains the java.base module and the other standard and JDK modules. If this option is specified but the java.base module cannot be resolved from it, then the jlink command appends $JAVA_HOME/jmods to the module path. Pass on --modulepath option to jlink.

pathelements - passed to jlink as is filesets - sets of files (without directories) dirsets - sets of directories (without files) dependencysets - sets of dependencies with specified includes and excludes patterns (glob: or regex:) for file names and regex patterns only for module names


The jpackage CLI is: --modulepath path

  • Type: ru.akman.maven.plugins.jpackage.ModulePath
  • Required: No


Specifies the name of subdirectory relative to the destination directory in which files of generated application image are placed. BUG: A name cannot contain spaces and unicode characters. BUG: The names used to create the application image and the application installer must match.

The jpackage CLI is: --name directory-name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of a resources directory that override jpackage resources. Icons, template files, and other resources of jpackage can be overridden by adding replacement resources to this directory. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --resource-dir path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the location of the predefined runtime image (result of jlink) that will be copied into the application image. If not specified, jpackage will run jlink to create the runtime image using options: - --strip-debug - --no-header-files - --no-man-pages - --strip-native-commands BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --runtime-image path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the location in which temporary files are placed. If specified, the directory will not be removed upon the task completion and must be removed manually. BUG: A path cannot contain spaces and unicode characters.

The jpackage CLI is: --temp path

  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the path to the JDK home directory providing the tool needed.
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Specifies the type of package to create: { 'PLATFORM', 'IMAGE', 'EXE', 'MSI' }.

The jpackage CLI is: --type {app-image|exe|msi}

  • Type: ru.akman.maven.plugins.jpackage.PackageType
  • Required: No
  • Default: PLATFORM


Specifies vendor of the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --vendor vendor

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Enable verbose tracing.

The jpackage CLI is: --verbose

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Enable creating a console launcher for the application, should be specified for application which requires console interactions.

The jlink CLI is: --win-console

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Enable adding a dialog to choose a directory in which the product is installed.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-dir-chooser

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Enable adding the application to the system menu.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-menu

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Start menu group this application is placed in.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-menu-group name

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No


Enable requesting to perform an install on a per-user basis.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-per-user-install

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Enable creating a desktop shortcut for the application.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-shortcut

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


UUID associated with upgrades for this package.

The jpackage CLI is: --win-upgrade-uuid uuid

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No