View Javadoc
1   /*
2     Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 Alexander Kapitman
4     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6     You may obtain a copy of the License at
10    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14    limitations under the License.
15  */
17  package ru.akman.maven.plugins.jlink;
19  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
20  import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
21  import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
22  import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
23  import static;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import java.util.Arrays;
28  import java.util.List;
29  import java.util.Map;
30  import;
31  import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
32  import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
33  import org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.MojoRule;
34  import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
35  import org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.FileSet;
36  import org.apache.maven.toolchain.ToolchainManager;
37  import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
38  import org.junit.Rule;
39  import org.junit.Test;
40  import ru.akman.maven.plugins.TestUtils;
42  /**
43   * JlinkMojo Test Class.
44   */
45  public class JlinkMojoTest {
47    /**
48     * Relative path to the base directory of tested project.
49     */
50    private static final String PROJECT_DIR = "target/test-classes/project/";
52    /**
53     * Executed goal.
54     */
55    private static final String MOJO_EXECUTION = "jlink";
57    /**
58     * Plexus DI container.
59     */
60    private PlexusContainer container;
62    /**
63     * Toolchain manager.
64     */
65    private ToolchainManager toolchainManager;
67    /**
68     * Maven project.
69     */
70    private MavenProject project;
72    /**
73     * Maven session.
74     */
75    private MavenSession session;
77    /**
78     * Mojo execution.
79     */
80    private MojoExecution execution;
82    /**
83     * JLink Mojo.
84     */
85    private JlinkMojo mojo;
87    /**
88     * AbstractMojoTestCase wrapper.
89     * All protected methods of the TestCase are exhibited as public in the rule.
90     */
91    @Rule
92    public MojoRule rule = new MojoRule() {
94      @Override
95      protected void before() throws Throwable {
96        // Plexus container
97        container = getContainer();
98        assertNotNull("Has access to the plexus container", container);
99        // Toolchain manager
100       toolchainManager = (ToolchainManager) container.lookup(
101           ToolchainManager.class.getName());
102       assertNotNull("Can get the toolchain manager", toolchainManager);
103       // Project directory
104       final File pom = new File(PROJECT_DIR);
105       assertNotNull("Project directory path is valid", pom);
106       assertTrue("Project directory exists", pom.exists());
107       // Maven project
108       project = readMavenProject(pom);
109       assertNotNull("Can read the project", project);
110       // Maven session
111       session = newMavenSession(project);
112       assertNotNull("Can create new session", session);
113       // Mojo execution
114       execution = newMojoExecution(MOJO_EXECUTION);
115       assertNotNull("Can create new execution", execution);      
116       // Mojo
117       mojo = (JlinkMojo) lookupConfiguredMojo(session, execution);
118       assertNotNull("Can lookup configured mojo", mojo);
119     }
121     @Override
122     protected void after() {
123       // skip
124     }
126   };
128   /**
129    * Parameter 'toolhome' exists and has a value.
130    *
131    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
132    */
133   @Test
134   public void testMojoHasToolHome() throws Exception {
135     final File toolhome =
136         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "toolhome");
137     assertEquals("toolhome",
138         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(toolhome),
139         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBasedir(),
140             "path/to/jlink/home"))
141     );
142   }
144   /**
145    * Parameter 'modsdir' exists and has a value.
146    *
147    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
148    */
149   @Test
150   public void testMojoHasModsDir() throws Exception {
151     final File modsdir =
152         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modsdir");
153     assertEquals("modsdir",
154         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(modsdir),
155         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(),
156             "jlink/mods"))
157     );
158   }
160   /**
161    * Parameter 'libsdir' exists and has a value.
162    *
163    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
164    */
165   @Test
166   public void testMojoHasLibsDir() throws Exception {
167     final File libsdir =
168         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "libsdir");
169     assertEquals("libsdir",
170         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(libsdir),
171         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(),
172             "jlink/libs"))
173     );
174   }
176   /**
177    * Parameter 'modulepath' exists.
178    *
179    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
180    */
181   @Test
182   public void testMojoHasModulePath() throws Exception {
183     final ModulePath modulepath =
184         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
185     assertNotNull("modulepath",
186         modulepath);
187   }
189   /**
190    * Parameter 'modulepath/pathelements' exists and has a value.
191    *
192    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
193    */
194   @Test
195   public void testMojoHasPathElements() throws Exception {
196     final ModulePath modulepath =
197         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
198     final List<File> pathelements = modulepath.getPathElements();
199     assertEquals("modulepath/pathelements",
200         TestUtils.buildPathFromFiles(pathelements),
201         TestUtils.buildPathFromNames(PROJECT_DIR, Arrays.asList(
202             "mod.jar",
203             "mod.jmod",
204             "mods/exploded/mod"
205         ))
206     );
207   }
209   /**
210    * Parameter 'modulepath/filesets' exists and has a value.
211    *
212    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
213    */
214   @Test
215   public void testMojoHasFilesets() throws Exception {
216     final ModulePath modulepath =
217         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
218     final List<FileSet> filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
219     assertEquals("modulepath/filesets",
220         filesets.size(), 1);
221   }
223   /**
224    * Parameter 'modulepath/filesets/fileset/isfollowsymlinks' exists
225    * and has a value.
226    *
227    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
228    */
229   @Test
230   public void testMojoHasFilesetFollowSymlinks() throws Exception {
231     final ModulePath modulepath =
232         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
233     final List<FileSet> filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
234     final FileSet fileset = filesets.get(0);
235     assertFalse("modulepath/filesets/fileset/isfollowsymlinks",
236         fileset.isFollowSymlinks());
237   }
239   /**
240    * Parameter 'modulepath/filesets/fileset/includes' exists and has a value.
241    *
242    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
243    */
244   @Test
245   public void testMojoHasFilesetIncludes() throws Exception {
246     final ModulePath modulepath =
247         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
248     final List<FileSet> filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
249     final FileSet fileset = filesets.get(0);
250     assertEquals("modulepath/filesets/fileset/includes",
251         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(fileset.getIncludes()),
252         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("**/*"))
253     );
254   }
256   /**
257    * Parameter 'modulepath/filesets/fileset/excludes' exists and has a value.
258    *
259    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
260    */
261   @Test
262   public void testMojoHasFilesetExcludes() throws Exception {
263     final ModulePath modulepath =
264         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
265     final List<FileSet> filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
266     final FileSet fileset = filesets.get(0);
267     assertEquals("modulepath/filesets/fileset/excludes",
268         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(fileset.getExcludes()),
269         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
270             "**/*Empty.jar",
271             "jlink.opts",
272             "jlink-opts"
273         ))
274     );
275   }
277   /**
278    * Parameter 'modulepath/filesets/fileset/directory' exists and has a value.
279    *
280    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
281    */
282   @Test
283   public void testMojoHasFilesetDirectory() throws Exception {
284     final ModulePath modulepath =
285         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
286     final List<FileSet> filesets = modulepath.getFileSets();
287     final FileSet fileset = filesets.get(0);
288     try {
289       PluginUtils.normalizeFileSetBaseDir(project.getBasedir(), fileset);
290     } catch (IOException ex) {
291       fail("Error: Unable to resolve fileset base directory: ["
292           + project.getBasedir() + "]."
293           + System.lineSeparator()
294           + ex.toString()
295       );
296     }
297     assertEquals("modulepath/filesets/fileset/directory",
298         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(fileset.getDirectory())),
299         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory()))
300     );
301   }
303   /**
304    * Parameter 'modulepath/dirsets' exists and has a value.
305    *
306    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
307    */
308   @Test
309   public void testMojoHasDirsets() throws Exception {
310     final ModulePath modulepath =
311         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
312     final List<FileSet> dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
313     assertEquals("modulepath/dirsets",
314         dirsets.size(), 1);
315   }
317   /**
318    * Parameter 'modulepath/dirsets/dirset/isfollowsymlinks' exists
319    * and has a value.
320    *
321    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
322    */
323   @Test
324   public void testMojoHasDirsetFollowSymlinks() throws Exception {
325     final ModulePath modulepath =
326         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
327     final List<FileSet> dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
328     final FileSet dirset = dirsets.get(0);
329     assertTrue("modulepath/dirsets/dirset/isfollowsymlinks",
330         dirset.isFollowSymlinks());
331   }
333   /**
334    * Parameter 'modulepath/dirsets/dirset/includes' exists and has a value.
335    *
336    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
337    */
338   @Test
339   public void testMojoHasDirsetIncludes() throws Exception {
340     final ModulePath modulepath =
341         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
342     final List<FileSet> dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
343     final FileSet dirset = dirsets.get(0);
344     assertEquals("modulepath/dirsets/dirset/includes",
345         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(dirset.getIncludes()),
346         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("**/*"))
347     );
348   }
350   /**
351    * Parameter 'modulepath/dirsets/dirset/excludes' exists and has a value.
352    *
353    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
354    */
355   @Test
356   public void testMojoHasDirsetExcludes() throws Exception {
357     final ModulePath modulepath =
358         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
359     final List<FileSet> dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
360     final FileSet dirset = dirsets.get(0);
361     assertEquals("modulepath/dirsets/dirset/excludes",
362         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(dirset.getExcludes()),
363         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("**/*Test"))
364     );
365   }
367   /**
368    * Parameter 'modulepath/dirsets/dirset/directory' exists and has a value.
369    *
370    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
371    */
372   @Test
373   public void testMojoHasDirsetDirectory() throws Exception {
374     final ModulePath modulepath =
375         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
376     final List<FileSet> dirsets = modulepath.getDirSets();
377     final FileSet dirset = dirsets.get(0);
378     try {
379       PluginUtils.normalizeFileSetBaseDir(project.getBasedir(), dirset);
380     } catch (IOException ex) {
381       fail("Error: Unable to resolve fileset base directory: ["
382           + project.getBasedir() + "]."
383           + System.lineSeparator()
384           + ex.toString()
385       );
386     }
387     assertEquals("modulepath/dirsets/dirset/directory",
388         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(dirset.getDirectory())),
389         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory()))
390     );
391   }
393   /**
394    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets' exists and has a value.
395    *
396    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
397    */
398   @Test
399   public void testMojoHasDependencysets() throws Exception {
400     final ModulePath modulepath =
401         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
402     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
403     assertEquals("modulepath/dependencysets",
404         dependencysets.size(), 1);
405   }
407   /**
408    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/outputincluded' exists
409    * and has a value.
410    *
411    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
412    */
413   @Test
414   public void testMojoHasDependencysetOutputIncluded() throws Exception {
415     final ModulePath modulepath =
416         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
417     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
418     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
419     assertFalse("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/outputincluded",
420         depset.isOutputIncluded());
421   }
423   /**
424    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/automaticexcluded'
425    * exists and has a value.
426    *
427    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
428    */
429   @Test
430   public void testMojoHasDependencysetAutomaticExcluded() throws Exception {
431     final ModulePath modulepath =
432         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
433     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
434     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
435     assertFalse("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/automaticexcluded",
436         depset.isAutomaticExcluded());
437   }
439   /**
440    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/includes' exists and
441    * has a value.
442    *
443    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
444    */
445   @Test
446   public void testMojoHasDependencysetIncludes() throws Exception {
447     final ModulePath modulepath =
448         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
449     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
450     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
451     assertEquals("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/includes",
452         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(depset.getIncludes()),
453         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
454             "glob:**/*.jar",
455             "regex:foo-(bar|baz)-.*?\\.jar"
456         ))
457     );
458   }    
460   /**
461    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/excludes' exists and
462    * has a value.
463    *
464    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
465    */
466   @Test
467   public void testMojoHasDependencysetExcludes() throws Exception {
468     final ModulePath modulepath =
469         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
470     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
471     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
472     assertEquals("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/excludes",
473         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(depset.getExcludes()),
474         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("glob:**/javafx.*Empty"))
475     );
476   }
478   /**
479    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/includenames' exists
480    * and has a value.
481    *
482    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
483    */
484   @Test
485   public void testMojoHasDependencysetIncludeNames() throws Exception {
486     final ModulePath modulepath =
487         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
488     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
489     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
490     assertEquals("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/includenames",
491         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(depset.getIncludeNames()),
492         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(".*"))
493     );
494   }
496   /**
497    * Parameter 'modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/excludenames' exists
498    * and has a value.
499    *
500    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
501    */
502   @Test
503   public void testMojoHasDependencysetExcludeNames() throws Exception {
504     final ModulePath modulepath =
505         (ModulePath) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "modulepath");
506     final List<DependencySet> dependencysets = modulepath.getDependencySets();
507     final DependencySet depset = dependencysets.get(0);
508     assertEquals("modulepath/dependencysets/dependencyset/excludenames",
509         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(depset.getExcludeNames()),
510         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("javafx\\..+Empty"))
511     );
512   }
514   /**
515    * Parameter 'addmodules' exists and has a value.
516    *
517    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
518    */
519   @Test
520   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
521   public void testMojoHasAddModules() throws Exception {
522     final List<String> addmodules =
523         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "addmodules");
524     assertEquals("addmodules",
525         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(addmodules),
526         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
527             "java.base", "org.example.rootmodule"))
528     );
529   }
531   /**
532    * Parameter 'output' exists and has a value.
533    *
534    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
535    */
536   @Test
537   public void testMojoHasOutput() throws Exception {
538     final File output =
539         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "output");
540     assertEquals("output",
541         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(output),
542         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(),
543             "jlink/image"))
544     );
545   }
547   /**
548    * Parameter 'limitmodules' exists and has a value.
549    *
550    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
551    */
552   @Test
553   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
554   public void testMojoHasLimitModules() throws Exception {
555     final List<String> limitmodules =
556         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "limitmodules");
557     assertEquals("limitmodules",
558         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(limitmodules),
559         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
560             "java.base", "org.example.limitmodule"))
561     );
562   }
564   /**
565    * Parameter 'suggestproviders' exists and has a value.
566    *
567    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
568    */
569   @Test
570   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
571   public void testMojoHasSuggestProviders() throws Exception {
572     final List<String> suggestproviders =
573         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo,
574             "suggestproviders");
575     assertEquals("suggestproviders",
576         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(suggestproviders),
577         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
578             ""))
579     );
580   }
582   /**
583    * Parameter 'saveopts' exists and has a value.
584    *
585    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
586    */
587   @Test
588   public void testMojoHasSaveOpts() throws Exception {
589     final File saveopts =
590         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "saveopts");
591     assertEquals("saveopts",
592         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(saveopts),
593         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(),
594             "jlink-opts"))
595     );
596   }
598   /**
599    * Parameter 'resourceslastsorter' exists and has a value.
600    *
601    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
602    */
603   @Test
604   public void testMojoHasResourcesLastSorter() throws Exception {
605     final String resourceslastsorter =
606         (String) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "resourceslastsorter");
607     assertEquals("resourceslastsorter",
608         resourceslastsorter,
609         "resource-sorter-name"
610     );
611   }
613   /**
614    * Parameter 'postprocesspath' exists and has a value.
615    *
616    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
617    */
618   @Test
619   public void testMojoHasPostProcessPath() throws Exception {
620     final File postprocesspath =
621         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "postprocesspath");
622     assertEquals("postprocesspath",
623         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(postprocesspath),
624         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(),
625             "imagefile"))
626     );
627   }
629   /**
630    * Parameter 'verbose' exists and has a value.
631    *
632    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
633    */
634   @Test
635   public void testMojoHasVerbose() throws Exception {
636     final boolean verbose =
637         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "verbose");
638     assertTrue("verbose",
639         verbose);
640   }
642   /**
643    * Parameter 'bindservices' exists and has a value.
644    *
645    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
646    */
647   @Test
648   public void testMojoHasBindServices() throws Exception {
649     final boolean bindservices =
650         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "bindservices");
651     assertTrue("bindservices",
652         bindservices);
653   }
655   /**
656    * Parameter 'launcher' exists and has a value.
657    *
658    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
659    */
660   @Test
661   public void testMojoHasLauncher() throws Exception {
662     final Launcher launcher =
663         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
664     assertNotNull("launcher",
665         launcher);
666   }
668   /**
669    * Parameter 'launcher/command' exists and has a value.
670    *
671    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
672    */
673   @Test
674   public void testMojoHasLauncherCommand() throws Exception {
675     final Launcher launcher =
676         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
677     assertEquals("launcher/command",
678         launcher.getCommand(),
679         "myLauncher"
680     );
681   }
683   /**
684    * Parameter 'launcher/mainmodule' exists and has a value.
685    *
686    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
687    */
688   @Test
689   public void testMojoHasLauncherMainModule() throws Exception {
690     final Launcher launcher =
691         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
692     assertEquals("launcher/mainmodule",
693         launcher.getMainModule(),
694         "mainModule"
695     );
696   }
699   /**
700    * Parameter 'launcher/mainclass' exists and has a value.
701    *
702    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
703    */
704   @Test
705   public void testMojoHasLauncherMainClass() throws Exception {
706     final Launcher launcher =
707         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
708     assertEquals("launcher/mainclass",
709         launcher.getMainClass(),
710         "mainClass"
711     );
712   }
714   /**
715    * Parameter 'launcher/jvmargs' exists and has a value.
716    *
717    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
718    */
719   @Test
720   public void testMojoHasLauncherJvmArgs() throws Exception {
721     final Launcher launcher =
722         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
723     assertEquals("launcher/jvmargs",
724         launcher.getJvmArgs(),
725         "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms256m -Xmx512m"
726     );
727   }
729   /**
730    * Parameter 'launcher/args' exists and has a value.
731    *
732    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
733    */
734   @Test
735   public void testMojoHasLauncherArgs() throws Exception {
736     final Launcher launcher =
737         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
738     assertEquals("launcher/args",
739         launcher.getArgs(),
740         "--debug"
741     );
742   }
744   /**
745    * Parameter 'launcher/nixtemplate' exists and has a value.
746    *
747    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
748    */
749   @Test
750   public void testMojoHasLauncherNixTemplate() throws Exception {
751     final Launcher launcher =
752         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
753     final File nixtemplate = launcher.getNixTemplate();
754     assertEquals("launcher/nixtemplate",
755         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(nixtemplate),
756         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBasedir(),
757             "config/jlink/nix.template"))
758     );
759   }
761   /**
762    * Parameter 'launcher/wintemplate' exists and has a value.
763    *
764    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
765    */
766   @Test
767   public void testMojoHasLauncherWinTemplate() throws Exception {
768     final Launcher launcher =
769         (Launcher) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "launcher");
770     final File wintemplate = launcher.getWinTemplate();
771     assertEquals("launcher/wintemplate",
772         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(wintemplate),
773         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(project.getBasedir(),
774             "config/jlink/win.template"))
775     );
776   }
778   /**
779    * Parameter 'noheaderfiles' exists and has a value.
780    *
781    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
782    */
783   @Test
784   public void testMojoHasNoHeaderFiles() throws Exception {
785     final boolean noheaderfiles =
786         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "noheaderfiles");
787     assertTrue("noheaderfiles",
788         noheaderfiles);
789   }
791   /**
792    * Parameter 'nomanpages' exists and has a value.
793    *
794    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
795    */
796   @Test
797   public void testMojoHasNoManPages() throws Exception {
798     final boolean nomanpages =
799         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "nomanpages");
800     assertTrue("nomanpages",
801         nomanpages);
802   }
804   /**
805    * Parameter 'endian' exists and has a value.
806    *
807    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
808    */
809   @Test
810   public void testMojoHasEndian() throws Exception {
811     final Endian endian =
812         (Endian) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "endian");
813     assertEquals("endian",
814         endian,
815         Endian.LITTLE
816     );
817   }
819   /**
820    * Parameter 'ignoresigninginformation' exists and has a value.
821    *
822    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
823    */
824   @Test
825   public void testMojoHasIgnoreSigningInformation() throws Exception {
826     final boolean ignoresigninginformation =
827         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo,
828             "ignoresigninginformation");
829     assertTrue("ignoresigninginformation",
830         ignoresigninginformation);
831   }
833   /**
834    * Parameter 'disableplugins' exists and has a value.
835    *
836    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
837    */
838   @Test
839   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
840   public void testMojoHasDisablePlugins() throws Exception {
841     final List<String> disableplugins =
842         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "disableplugins");
843     assertEquals("disableplugins",
844         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(disableplugins),
845         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
846             "compress", "dedup-legal-notices"))
847     );
848   }
850   /**
851    * Parameter 'compress' exists and has a value.
852    *
853    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
854    */
855   @Test
856   public void testMojoHasCompress() throws Exception {
857     final Compress compress =
858         (Compress) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "compress");
859     assertNotNull("compress",
860         compress);
861   }
863   /**
864    * Parameter 'compress/compression' exists and has a value.
865    *
866    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
867    */
868   @Test
869   public void testMojoHasCompressCompression() throws Exception {
870     final Compress compress =
871         (Compress) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "compress");
872     final Compression compression = compress.getCompression();
873     assertEquals("compress/compression",
874         compression,
875         Compression.ZIP
876     );
877   }
879   /**
880    * Parameter 'compress/filters' exists and has a value.
881    *
882    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
883    */
884   @Test
885   public void testMojoHasCompressFilters() throws Exception {
886     final Compress compress =
887         (Compress) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "compress");
888     final List<String> filters = compress.getFilters();
889     assertEquals("compress/filters",
890         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(filters),
891         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
892             "**/*-info.class",
893             "glob:**/module-info.class",
894             "regex:/java[a-z]+$",
895             "@filename"
896         ))
897     );
898   }
900   /**
901    * Parameter 'includelocales' exists and has a value.
902    *
903    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
904    */
905   @Test
906   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
907   public void testMojoHasIncludeLocales() throws Exception {
908     final List<String> includelocales =
909         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "includelocales");
910     assertEquals("includelocales",
911         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(includelocales),
912         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList("en", "ja", "*-IN"))
913     );
914   }
916   /**
917    * Parameter 'orderresources' exists and has a value.
918    *
919    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
920    */
921   @Test
922   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
923   public void testMojoHasOrderResources() throws Exception {
924     final List<String> orderresources =
925         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "orderresources");
926     assertEquals("orderresources",
927         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(orderresources),
928         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
929             "**/*-info.class",
930             "glob:**/module-info.class",
931             "regex:/java[a-z]+$",
932             "@filename"
933         ))
934     );
935   }
937   /**
938    * Parameter 'excluderesources' exists and has a value.
939    *
940    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
941    */
942   @Test
943   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
944   public void testMojoHasExcludeResources() throws Exception {
945     final List<String> excluderesources =
946         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo,
947             "excluderesources");
948     assertEquals("excluderesources",
949         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(excluderesources),
950         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
951             "**/*-info.class",
952             "glob:**/META-INF/**",
953             "regex:/java[a-z]+$",
954             "@filename"
955         ))
956     );
957   }
959   /**
960    * Parameter 'stripdebug' exists and has a value.
961    *
962    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
963    */
964   @Test
965   public void testMojoHasStripDebug() throws Exception {
966     final boolean stripdebug =
967         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "stripdebug");
968     assertTrue("stripdebug",
969         stripdebug);
970   }
972   /**
973    * Parameter 'stripjavadebugattributes' exists and has a value.
974    *
975    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
976    */
977   @Test
978   public void testMojoHasStripJavaDebugAttributes() throws Exception {
979     final boolean stripjavadebugattributes =
980         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo,
981             "stripjavadebugattributes");
982     assertTrue("stripjavadebugattributes",
983         stripjavadebugattributes);
984   }
986   /**
987    * Parameter 'stripnativecommands' exists and has a value.
988    *
989    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
990    */
991   @Test
992   public void testMojoHasStripNativeCommands() throws Exception {
993     final boolean stripnativecommands =
994         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "stripnativecommands");
995     assertTrue("stripnativecommands",
996         stripnativecommands);
997   }
999   /**
1000    * Parameter 'deduplegalnotices' exists and has a value.
1001    *
1002    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1003    */
1004   @Test
1005   public void testMojoHasDedupLegalNotices() throws Exception {
1006     final boolean deduplegalnotices =
1007         (boolean) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "deduplegalnotices");
1008     assertTrue("deduplegalnotices",
1009         deduplegalnotices);
1010   }
1012   /**
1013    * Parameter 'excludefiles' exists and has a value.
1014    *
1015    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1016    */
1017   @Test
1018   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked cast
1019   public void testMojoHasExcludeFiles() throws Exception {
1020     final List<String> excludefiles =
1021         (List<String>) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "excludefiles");
1022     assertEquals("excludefiles",
1023         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(excludefiles),
1024         TestUtils.buildStringFromNames(Arrays.asList(
1025             "**/*-info.class",
1026             "glob:**/META-INF/**",
1027             "regex:/java[a-z]+$",
1028             "@filename"
1029         ))
1030     );
1031   }
1033   /**
1034    * Parameter 'excludejmodsection' exists and has a value.
1035    *
1036    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1037    */
1038   @Test
1039   public void testMojoHasExcludeJmodSection() throws Exception {
1040     final Section excludejmodsection =
1041         (Section) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "excludejmodsection");
1042     assertEquals("excludejmodsection",
1043         excludejmodsection,
1044         Section.MAN
1045     );
1046   }
1048   /**
1049    * Parameter 'generatejliclasses' exists and has a value.
1050    *
1051    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1052    */
1053   @Test
1054   public void testMojoHasGenerateJliClasses() throws Exception {
1055     final File generatejliclasses =
1056         (File) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "generatejliclasses");
1057     assertEquals("generatejliclasses",
1058         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(generatejliclasses),
1059         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(PROJECT_DIR, "jli-classes"))
1060     );
1061   }
1063   /**
1064    * Parameter 'releaseinfo' exists and has a value.
1065    *
1066    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1067    */
1068   @Test
1069   public void testMojoHasReleaseInfo() throws Exception {
1070     final ReleaseInfo releaseinfo =
1071         (ReleaseInfo) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "releaseinfo");
1072     assertNotNull("releaseinfo",
1073         releaseinfo);
1074   }
1076   /**
1077    * Parameter 'releaseinfo/file' exists and has a value.
1078    *
1079    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1080    */
1081   @Test
1082   public void testMojoHasReleaseInfoFile() throws Exception {
1083     final ReleaseInfo releaseinfo =
1084         (ReleaseInfo) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "releaseinfo");
1085     final File releaseinfofile = releaseinfo.getFile();
1086     assertEquals("releaseinfo/file",
1087         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(releaseinfofile),
1088         TestUtils.getCanonicalPath(new File(PROJECT_DIR, "file"))
1089     );
1090   }
1092   /**
1093    * Parameter 'releaseinfo/adds' exists and has a value.
1094    *
1095    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1096    */
1097   @Test
1098   public void testMojoHasReleaseInfoAdds() throws Exception {
1099     final ReleaseInfo releaseinfo =
1100         (ReleaseInfo) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "releaseinfo");
1101     final Map<String, String> adds = releaseinfo.getAdds();
1102     assertEquals("releaseinfo/adds",
1103         adds.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getKey() + "=" + e.getValue())
1104             .collect(Collectors.joining(":")),
1105         "key1=value1:key2=value2"
1106     );
1107   }
1109   /**
1110    * Parameter 'releaseinfo/dels' exists and has a value.
1111    *
1112    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1113    */
1114   @Test
1115   public void testMojoHasReleaseInfoDels() throws Exception {
1116     final ReleaseInfo releaseinfo =
1117         (ReleaseInfo) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "releaseinfo");
1118     final Map<String, String> dels = releaseinfo.getDels();
1119     assertEquals("releaseinfo/dels",
1120         dels.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getKey())
1121             .collect(Collectors.joining(":")),
1122         "key1:key2"
1123     );
1124   }
1126   /**
1127    * Parameter 'vm' exists and has a value.
1128    *
1129    * @throws Exception if any errors occurred
1130    */
1131   @Test
1132   public void testMojoHasVM() throws Exception {
1133     final HotSpot vm =
1134         (HotSpot) rule.getVariableValueFromObject(mojo, "vm");
1135     assertEquals("vm",
1136         vm,
1137         HotSpot.SERVER
1138     );
1139   }
1141 }